

I am so GLAD that it's alllll over! I swear...I have said it I don't know how many times this week, but I will NOT be moving again in the next 5 years!! 4x in the past 4 yrs is just too much. I am done. Nada Move-A. Zippo relo-ca-t-eon. Understand?? Good.

It's so stressful, not to mention a huge punch in the bank stomach. You're exhausted to the point you just can't even think anymore. To the point where you just don't care anymore. I don't know how it is for all of you, but moving sux. Yea, sure it's exciting, but gawd...please no more!

All last week, starting on Tuesday, got up at 5:30am to leave by 6:30 for Carmel (from Bloomington), to drop off the full car load we had packed the night before. He went to work by 9am, I stayed and put away as much crap as possible that I could (without any furniture mind you) and put all the rest that couldn't be placed into closets for later unpacking. We did this everyday until Saturday when we picked up the U-Haul, packed everything in with the fantastic help of our friends Gina and her bf Bobby. Without them there we would have been F#(*#@! There was no way I would have been able to lift our bedroom furniture. I could barely lift the mattresses with Lowell's help! Then we drove it all to Carmel and unloaded it.

We're still not 100% unpacked. The 2nd bedroom/office area still needs to be unpacked *cough Lowell's stuff cough*, and we need to throw away our coffee table cause it's just darn big! I'm gunna look into getting two/four ottoman's that have flip-tabletops or foot-rests. But that probably won't be for a little while. There's always lots of stuff you need/want when you move into a new place. I'm probably gunna go through each room tonight and make a list for each. Things we have to have/need, and the things, mostly decorative of course, that I want. :)

Once everything is pretty much in it's place I'll take some photos, but until Lowell has some time to work on his office room that probably won't happen, cause it's a mess in there! It's the 'I don't know what to do with this so it's just gunna go in this room' room. hehe It'll be soon though because I won't be able to put up with it looking like that forever!

Off to go check the other blogs and do some posts!

I'lllllll beeee baaaaaack! :)

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