Simplifying Life

On the workfront...

Today I switched over to iGoogle, forwarded all my email accounts into Gmail, and switched all my subscriptions from Bloglines to Google Reader (PITA). So far I'm pretty annoyed at Gmail for giving me trouble, I've formated my Bluehost account to forward all my emails to my Gmail account, but so far all I've received is my Google alerts (go figure, right?). I even forwarded some of them by hand, and have yet to receive any of them, and I did this a few hours ago. So, I'm pretty bummed about that. I guess we shall see. If it doesn't end up working out the way I want, I may just have to go back to Bluehost to get my .alldogblog emails. *crosses fingers*

On the homefront...

It's been pretty stressful around here lately. Lowell and I are pretty tired of living in the unknown. The past two years have been a constant up and down of no knowing where we'll be. If he'll have a job in six months. If they'll bring him on to the payroll for good, so we could relax a little. However, that all came to an end last month when we finally got our answer: Laid off.

So needless to say, it's been pretty crazy around here. Struggling to find a job in this screwed up economy has been extremely difficult. As many of you probably know. He finally got a call, went for an interview, got called for a second interview, and we have been sitting ducks since Tuesday. Waiting to hear from them. They mentioned that they really wanted to make a decision by Thursday (today), but nothing yet, and Lowell is very stressed about the whole thing. If we don't find something soon, it's going to force us to move back home, and live with the parents. Nobody wants to have to do that.

I feel like I've hardly gotten anything done today. But then again, I always feel that way. There is always so much to do!

Now, off to go read 728 blog posts, filter through some emails, and try and figure out why I'm not receiving Gmail emails from Bluehost.

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