Lime Green Living Room

I absolutely LOVE the simple design of this living room! I really wish that I would be able to paint at the new apartment, and use this color. Bring nature to the indoors. I can almost TASTE and SMELL this room! Can't you?! The color is so great...very calming, relaxing. And all the green, and plants...although I'm not very good at nursing plants, and often kill them with over-watering, but it's worth a try to get this look!

Another topic I'd like to post here is rooms that I just love, and would really love to have in my home to give me ideas!

I have a large sketchbook that I've been pasting things like this in with glue sticks, but it's so much easier to just post things in a blog! Why I haven't thought of doing this before, I have no idea! But I'm really glad I thought of it. day I hope to have a room in my home like this...a reading room?

Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.

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