
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these cinderblock planters as centerpieces.

Something we should be able to do ourselves.

This would perfect with the Sept. color Palate.

I feel like I'm making some progress here.

And THAT is a good thing.

I still do love THIS though. Something we could incorporate.

Majolica Blue & Warm Olive

Here is the other palate that I love for our wedding.

I love the olive green.

But I love the orange too!

GAHHHH!! I can't decide.

I'll see what LJ thinks about them, if I can get his opinion, and get back to you.

This would be for the original Sept. wedding I think.

But I really love the orange and blue too!

Which one do you like?

Oct. Now?

Here is one of the color palates I love for our wedding.

I was originally thinking of a Sept. wedding, but with these colors, I'd LOVE an Oct. wedding...

One thing is for sure...I think Majolica is the base color. I LOVE it, and I think Lowell will be accepting of it as well. :)

I have a couple more on the way...

Peacock Wedding Mug

Aren't these mugs from Retro Gal USA just adorable!

The perfect gift for guests at our wedding!

Something they can use and take with them, and they're left behind, we can just keep them as keepsakes ourselves to use!


They're pretty pricey though. $16 bucks a piece. Ouch.

And we finally picked a date: 9/10/11. Yea, yea, yea. So what. :)

And we started a guest list.

And we're doing an earthy green and teal. Just like on the mugs. The ideas are flowin' tonite! WhooHOOooo!!

Things are starting to take form.

What a relief. And I think I've got the place picked out, but we'll see. Small courthouse wedding with family, and a large party with friends. That's us. More details to come.

Wedding Necklace

I think this little pendant with our names on them would be perfect for wedding jewelry. Simple and something I can wear everyday after.

This jewelry is designed by Jeneri Jewelry, and we'll be purchasing one of these soon. Probably this week. :)

They'd also make great Bridesmaid gifts too!

I've been having some trouble trying to come up with ideas for our up-coming wedding, and partly for that is Lowell's dislike for having a big one. So why not have something small, invite our closest friends, and be able to spend whatever money we do have on the important things to us and our friends and family. We don't need to have some large extravagant event. It's simply just not us.

This little pendant with our names engraved and the event date is the perfect beginning to the feel I'd like.

It's a start, and that's a wonderful feeling.

Bird Hoodie

I want this Bird Hoodie from Anna Joyce.

It looks suuuuper comfy and warm.

So cute.

I love hoodies. And sweatshirts. And comfy pants.

I'm just a loungie kind of girl.


Notebooks and Friendly Packages

I absolutely LOVE these notebooks.

I could do this.

I think.


And here is a fun, different, and unique way of wrapping packages!

Doesn't this look to pretty to open!

It's a great idea for designing your own notebooks too. I hope to be able to do this some day. When I have more time on my hands.

I imagine sending these little notebooks packaged like this to my far away friends...they would love them. :)

Found at Rakuten.

Chocolate Butterhorn Recipe

I don't think I've heard of 'Butterhorns' before, but I'll tell you what...

...they sound delish!

And look like they'd be pretty easy to make if you had a breadmaker...

...which I don't, of course.

However, I do plan on getting one in the near future sometime.

And when I do...I'm sooooo making these.

1 cup milk
1/2 cup butter, cubed
2 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
4 – 4 1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoons dry yeast, heaping

1-2 cups chocolate chips, depending on how chocolatey you want them

Combine all dough ingredients in the pan of your bread machine according to the manufacturer’s directions. Set on the dough cycle and start machine. When the machine beeps, remove dough from pan and divide it into four equal parts.

(While Crystal’s recipe make 32 larger rolls, I made the same number with about half the dough. This seemed to work better for my kids. Feel free to make 16 larger rolls if you’d rather.)

Roll each part into a 12-inch circle and cut each circle into 8 wedges. Sprinkle chocolate chips over the surface of each wedge. Roll each wedge like a crescent roll, starting with the bottom of the triangle and ending with the point.

If preparing ahead, place rolls, point down on baking sheet and freeze. Once frozen, place in freezer bags and store in the freezer until needed.

To bake: Grease a baking sheet or line with parchment or a silpat mat. Place frozen rolls on prepared sheet. Allow to thaw and rise for five hours or until doubled in size. Preheat oven to 375 ° and bake rolls for 12-15 minutes, or until lightly browned. Cool on wire racks.

Recipe and post can also be found at lifeasmom HERE.


Happenings Lately

I have a Polaroid Spectra that I haven't used in awhile because the film is RIDICULOUSLY expensive, and hard to find anymore.

But I LOVE instants!

Don't get me wrong, I love my DSLR, but there is something so romantic about the fuzzy, discolored photo that emerges instantly. An instant moment captured and ready to share. There is no editing. Flaws and all. Beauty and all.

Surprisingly, this little buddy is pretty affordable, and the film is still pricey, but much less than film for my Polaroid Spectra. I think I'm going to add this to my Wish List. ;P

In other news...

I had an anxiety attack two weeks ago on a Sunday.

The apartment was in such disarray due to my lack of energy. Stuff everywhere. A straight-up mess. I couldn't find anything, and I felt like I was suffocating in the place! I broke down.

Thank goodness for Lowell.

Amongst all the sobs and tears, he kindly suggested we go and purchase a new coffee table that is more suitable for our needs (more space, and something that would look like it fit in our living room), and get some bins to organize all of the papers, and things that had piled up over the months. I went through a bunch of stuff, filled two garbage bags with clothes and things for Goodwill. Went and purchased some paper-weave bins to keep things in some kind of order and not all over the place, and just anywhere. Everything needs a place or I freak out!

We got a GREAT deal on the coffee table since Ashley Furniture by us is going out of business. We made an offer of $100 bucks on a $400 table and got it. Lowell was mad he didn't say lower since the place was pretty much empty! Now we know better when making an offer. Always go lower than what you're willing to pay! DUH!

Here is what the coffee table looks like...(not the exact one, but very similar)...

The printer that I use to print online coupons fits PERFECTLY underneath, and is no longer taking up a bunch of space on top of the table, like the previous table we had. Plus the color matches the TV Stand we have from Wal-Mart and the couch from Ashley we got a few months ago (which I LOVE, btw).

I really wish I had done before & after photos.

There is a huge difference, from not very much change. It's really amazing how one piece of furniture can throw everything off in a room. Even ruin the vibe, and throw ME out of balance. Yes, I'm THAT sensitive. ;)

I'm so lucky to have a significant other that understands what I need, respond quickly to my needs, and ask no questions.

I love you babe!

And then I organized the bookcase of movies, found a place for all my free magazines and samples I get in the mail. I made Lowell move all his video games to the TV Stand rather than the bookcase with all the movies since he never plays them. I bought a pretty Reed Diffuser to sit pretty next to my 'Peace' on top of the bookcase. It looks pretty and I feel a sense of relief when things are in their place and look nice and clean!

Speaking of clean...

It's on the way. :)

And was 50% off. :)

I can't wait till it arrives, and I can enjoy vacuuming!

So excited!

This will be the last big purchase until after we're married.

I swear.

Monday, Schmunday...

Oh boy. It's Monday morning and I feel like doing nothing today but that just can't happen! I have too much stuff to do, and feel like it all needs to get done today in order for the rest of the week to run smoothly. The hamper needs to be emptied, the litterbox needs cleaned, the kitchen floor needs cleaned, the blog needs posts, the dog needs a bath, the coupons need organizing, the socks need to be paired (like that'll happen), and the magazines need to be read. And that is probably only the half of it.

Not sure what I'll start on first...probably laundry and blogging posts.

We got back from the lake house last night, and it was a great relaxing weekend. We are thinking of going back next weekend too. I don't feel guilty for sitting around and relaxing, and not doing anything! There is no running around, and your mind is pretty free of tasks. I love it. I love it there and hopefully we can spend some quality time there this summer!

I wish I had taken some photos, but it rained Saturday, and it just never got the camera out on Sunday. I promise I'll take some, maybe next weekend if we go. Casey might come down to go golfing with Lowell since there are a ton of relatively cheap courses in the area. Kelly might come down next weekend too, and if the boys go golfing, we might go shopping or just relax if the sun is out!

I'm really hoping that we go next weekend.

I'm really diggin' my new work schedule with weekends off.

Two weekends from now is Hog Roast and we want to go, but are struggling with the "what to do with the dog" situation. We could take him with, but he just gets stressed out and has bitten people before. He's just not that friendly to be around a lot of people he doesn't know. And everyone ALWAYS wants to touch him and pet him, etc. So we'll see. We might just go to the lake house Friday night, then go for Saturday during the day, and then come back or something on Saturday night. That way the dog can stay some place he knows. Who knows.

Okay, now that I'm pretty awake, and had a couple cups of coffee, has started the laundry, and ready to get some stuff done...

Good Day, Ya'll!

Bells Of Ireland

I love these flowers for my bouquet and centerpieces. Nothing too fancy, clean and classic. Simple.

That's what I'd definitely like my wedding to be. Classic, clean, & simple.

Greens. Browns. Robin Egg blue.

I was thinking mid-late Sept. '11, but now I think I'd like a late March wedding, or maybe May.

This is already aggravating! :)

I was looking back at the post I did awhile ago when I was dreaming about having a wedding and had no idea that Lowell and I would ever take the next step and was really only playing around, and now I hate everything about it. I hate the pink. The dress is pretty, but not me at all. What was I thinking?! That's what scares me. What if I start planning all this stuff, and then change my mind on half the stuff!


The Ring!

I know I promised you guys some photos of the ring and I finally got around to having Lowell email the photos!

Isn't it just beautiful and so perfect! Yea, I love it. :)

Mini-Pies Galore!

I spend a lot of time on the internet reading blogs from across the web. When I find one that I can relate to, or is useful to me, I'll follow it. The past two days, I've found two different blogs written by two different people who've recently posted about mini-pies. Seriously, two posts in two days about these tiny, delicious-looking mini pies. I will be making them both and giving them a try very soon. Like, this week. :) Check 'em both out!

Delicious, right?!?! I can't wait to surprise Lowell with some of these on Thursday! They both seem so easy to make!

Peace...(and pies!)...

A woman should have...

My mom sent me this in an email yesterday, and I just loved it!


enough money within her control to move out
and rent a place of her own,
even if she never wants to or needs to...


something perfect to wear if the employer,
or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...


a youth she's content to leave behind....


a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to
retelling it in her old age....


a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...


one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who lets her cry...


a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family...


eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems,
and a recipe for a meal,
that will make her guests feel honored...


a feeling of control over her destiny...


how to fall in love without losing herself..


how to quit a job,
break up with a lover,
and confront a friend without;
ruining the friendship...


when to try harder.... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...


that she can't change the length of her calves,
the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..


that her childhood may not have been perfect...but it's over...


what she would and wouldn't do for love or more....


how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it.....


whom she can trust,
whom she can't,
and why she shouldn't take it personally...


where to go...
be it to her best friend's kitchen table..
or a charming Inn in the woods...
when her soul needs soothing...


What she can and can't accomplish in a day...
a month...and a year...

Wedding Headband

I want this headband to wear at my wedding. It's absolutely gorgeous.

I found it HERE on Etsy.

It's similar to my beautiful and amazing ring!

I'll be buying it if it is still available when the time is closer and a date is set!

2/26/10 Horoscope

Today's horoscope was pretty spot on:

Things keep looking bigger and better, but it feels as if the reward is always just right around the corner. However, this time it really is. Although it's easy for you to believe that you're fooling yourself, your extra efforts are very likely being noticed by someone who matters. Continue to do the best possible job at work, but don't push for any extra attention. Remember, what goes around, comes around, so don't give up now.

Today was a great day, this week has been great, and this year is turning out to be one of the greatest. If I play my cards right, I hope to continue to make it an amazing one. :)

It's official!

Lowell & I got...

on Saturday!! It was our six year anniversary and turned out to be such an amazing, wonderful day. We went to pick out the ring, got an amazing deal on a beautiful ring that I absolutely LOVE, and then went out to lunch to Rock Bottom Brewery, discovered a new beer that's delicious, and enjoyed each others company.

We picked up the ring last night. I'm still in awe that this is happening and that I'm wearing a ring on my ring finger.

I'm beyond excited. There is no date set for getting married yet, I think we'll just enjoy this for as long as possible...being engaged. Being on lockdown. :)

I'll post some pictures of the ring shortly!

New Look

I'm totally diggin' my new look!

What do you think?!

It's a little bit more me.

I've been looking for a new layout for a little while now, and haven't really found anything I liked until now. Plus, I was off today to be able to spend some time on looking harder and working on getting it to look how I want it. Recently I was really hating my previous template so much I was thinking of switching back to Xanga, but I think I'll stay at Blogger!

Now, maybe I'll post a little more here.

I talked Lowell into working from home today, so we've pretty much just hung out, watched some shows, got caught up on some of the Olympics, and just vegged out. It's been nice to be able to spend two whole days together in a row! It all ends tomorrow though. Back to the grind until Saturday.

Saturday will be our 6yr anniversary. It's hard to believe. Today we even talked about taking the next step and go look at some engagement rings. We've got some money saved up, and with both our tax returns (yes, we both did ours already!) we have enough to get a nice starter!

I'm pretty excited about it, but I won't hold my breath. Things tend to come up at the most inopportune time. Life for us as usual. :)

Until tomorrow,

VDay 2010

Happy VDay!

Lowell and I spent the day relaxing and watching movies.

We made Apple Streusel waffles and sausage links for breakfast.

Had chicken Stir-Fry for dinner. And Red Velvet cupcakes for dessert.

We watched District 9, and we're now watching Surrogates with Bruce Willis.

I got Lowell something he'd been asking for a long time, and I got a single red rose and my 'curtains' hung up.

I hope all of you enjoyed your day, and what's left of it!

Dexter & Irish Creme

I've been off for two days in a row...was supposed to be three, but I knew that wouldn't last long. In all honesty, I was expecting to get called in early today. One of the girls who worked only two days a week called in and quit. I luckily I was the first to be called (due to my awesome C.S. skills of course) to pick up her hours. For how long, I'm not sure since they seem to have bigger plans for me.

Last week I was informed I'd be moving up to a Bridal Consultant soon. Once training is said and done (I only have a Bakeware class left, plus actual Bridal training). I'm pretty excited about it. Means more hours, and more pay. Probably working more weekends though. :(

I've been trying to keep an eye on my list of things to do this year, and thus decided to check on some online classes/pick a major. Going back to school at this point would be ideal, but tuition Maybe a little bit more down the road I can finish a four year degree. The majority of my General Ed. classes are done, so my main focus would basically be picking a major and finishing. It just seems so far fetched on this budget.

Sooo...I checked into some certificate programs that were available online. Some of those look a little promising and much better for the budget. Something to work for and not so overwhelming, ya know? Something in the medical field probably. Transcriptionist? Coding? Something along those lines. We'll see, after a little bit more research. I've never actually met someone who's done those jobs for a living. I'd like to talk to one.

Today I spent the day going through all the magazines I've collected of the past few months and ripping out pages for my 'Inspiration Book'. It's sparked some blog posts for here already, plus some eventual decorative ideas for the apartment.

Also, I'd like to get a list together of all the creative outlets I'd like to try/do, and try some new things with the ones I do already. Or, well...actually pick them back up. I don't even remember the last time I've picked up my camera. It's depressing.

Off to finish watching this Dexter S3 episode and enjoy my Irish Creme before it gets cold...

Jenny's Miracle Baby

I came across this blog via, another blogger I follow, per her request and boy is it really, and truly amazing. I had tears in my eyes! Absolutely beautiful. Go HERE to read the post about Jenny, the owner of Little Green Notebook blog and the birth of her third daughter, Evie.

I can't imagine having a baby at home (let alone having a baby), but I it really is nothing short of a miracle.

Congratulations, Jenny and family!

Chicken Parm w/Linguine

Doesn't this just look soooooo good??!?!

I think I'm going to make this next week. It seems very easy and just sounds delicious. Not to mention healthy for you with all the fiber!!

I can't WAIT to try and tell you how it is!

prep time:20 min
start to finish:20 min
makes:5 servings

1/2cup Fiber One® original bran cereal
2tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
1/2teaspoon dried Italian seasoning
1/4teaspoon garlic salt
1egg white
2teaspoons fat-free milk
1lb boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch-thick strips
1tablespoon canola or olive oil
6oz uncooked whole grain or regular linguine
2cups Muir Glen® organic garden vegetable pasta sauce
Chopped fresh parsley, if desired
1.Heat oven to 400°F. Line 15x10x1-inch pan with foil; spray foil with cooking spray. Place cereal in resealable food-storage plastic bag; seal bag and finely crush with rolling pin or meat mallet (or finely crush in food processor).
2.In shallow bowl, mix cereal, cheese, Italian seasoning and garlic salt. In another shallow bowl, mix egg white and milk until blended. Dip chicken pieces in egg white mixture, then coat well with cereal mixture; place in pan. Drizzle oil over chicken.
3.Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until crisp and chicken is no longer pink in center.
4.Meanwhile, cook linguine as directed on package; drain. In 2-quart saucepan, heat pasta sauce over medium heat until hot.
5.Place drained linguine on serving platter; top with pasta sauce and chicken. Sprinkle with parsley.

New Couch!!!

Lowell and I just got back from Ashley Furniture with some great success. We finally bought a couch!! The great thing was we went in with the intent to purchase and only spend as much as we brought. No more. And we did! And I love it! As soon as I saw it I knew I wanted it! Check it out....

We only bought the couch and by-passed the chair, loveseat, and ottoman, we just don't have room for it all right now, plus it would have been a lot more I think I'd rather just add pieces when we can. After the couch comes the coffee table.

I can't believe I can already cross something off my list of stuff to do this year...and it's a big thing to cross off!! I'm so excited. Thanks Ashley Furniture for having a going out of business sale at JUST the right time...if they still have stuff when I get paid again, I may go back and get a nice coffee table, but we'll see!!

It won't arrive for 3-4 weeks so we still have some time to maneuver things around to get the futon upstairs for guests and the office...I can't wait till it's here. I don't think I've been more excited about a piece of furniture. :) Technically, it's Lowell & I's first furniture purchase by ourselves. :)

I'm sooo excited!!