Free Sample Of Dunkin D'z!

Dunkin' Donuts. Dunkin' keeps me blogging. Try Dunkin' Donuts Coffee For Free. Get a Sample

Dude, I just signed-up to get a FREE sample of Dunkin Donuts coffee!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE their coffee!! Go get one HERE!!!!

I'm Officially a "Twerd"

...I have gotten so CHEEZY!! I have seriously fallen for this teenage drama/love story/high school/crap! If you're aren't a FAN of the Twilight Saga just simply ignore this post. Don't say I didn't warn you...

Check out this stuff!!!!!
  2. And apparently Blockbuster is selling .79 cent creme-filled New Moon chocolates, reported by Perez HERE!
  3. And I want everyone of these tees HERE!!!! You know you want one too! I will be purchasing one to wear to the midnight premier. Lowell...You WILL be dragged. :)

And only a few more days till I have to rush to Barnes & Noble to get Eclipse on paperback. :)



I am so GLAD that it's alllll over! I swear...I have said it I don't know how many times this week, but I will NOT be moving again in the next 5 years!! 4x in the past 4 yrs is just too much. I am done. Nada Move-A. Zippo relo-ca-t-eon. Understand?? Good.

It's so stressful, not to mention a huge punch in the bank stomach. You're exhausted to the point you just can't even think anymore. To the point where you just don't care anymore. I don't know how it is for all of you, but moving sux. Yea, sure it's exciting, but gawd...please no more!

All last week, starting on Tuesday, got up at 5:30am to leave by 6:30 for Carmel (from Bloomington), to drop off the full car load we had packed the night before. He went to work by 9am, I stayed and put away as much crap as possible that I could (without any furniture mind you) and put all the rest that couldn't be placed into closets for later unpacking. We did this everyday until Saturday when we picked up the U-Haul, packed everything in with the fantastic help of our friends Gina and her bf Bobby. Without them there we would have been F#(*#@! There was no way I would have been able to lift our bedroom furniture. I could barely lift the mattresses with Lowell's help! Then we drove it all to Carmel and unloaded it.

We're still not 100% unpacked. The 2nd bedroom/office area still needs to be unpacked *cough Lowell's stuff cough*, and we need to throw away our coffee table cause it's just darn big! I'm gunna look into getting two/four ottoman's that have flip-tabletops or foot-rests. But that probably won't be for a little while. There's always lots of stuff you need/want when you move into a new place. I'm probably gunna go through each room tonight and make a list for each. Things we have to have/need, and the things, mostly decorative of course, that I want. :)

Once everything is pretty much in it's place I'll take some photos, but until Lowell has some time to work on his office room that probably won't happen, cause it's a mess in there! It's the 'I don't know what to do with this so it's just gunna go in this room' room. hehe It'll be soon though because I won't be able to put up with it looking like that forever!

Off to go check the other blogs and do some posts!

I'lllllll beeee baaaaaack! :)

"Mine" Trailer

Wow. I don't know what I would do if I was in such a situation. Heartbreaking.

I definitely want to watch this documentary when it comes out in 2010.

We Have Lasers!!!!!!!! & Sexy People

Blogs to check out if you are bored...definitely made me laugh!

We Have Lasers!!!!!!!!! is a HILARIOUS blog where people send in their photos of themselves with the awesome laser background!

"Preschool class picture, from November '91. I managed to swing both the classic laser background, AND the Beetlejuice stripes. I did not, however, manage to look at the camera." -Michael

Sexy People is a blog that is just plain hilarious. Great way to break-up the work day! :)

Jessica, circa 1986

There are definitely some better ones on Sexy People, but this one just drew me in. How cool it would it have been to be in High School in the 80's!?! Next time I go home I'll have to ask my mom if I ever took a picture with lasers! I doubt it, but it's a possibility considering it was obviously the cool thing to do! I do remember having my 7th grade picture with the forest background...and NO, I will not be posting that. *shudders*


Talking Kitty Needs A Home!

Check out this adorable guy!! He needs a home! I would LOVE to take him home, but we already meet the 2 animal requirement for our apartment (stupid limits)! If you know anyone who would love to adopt him, please pass this along! Local NW Indiana residents only please!

He's a talker! Not to mention friendly, adorable, and wants to be YOUR mama's boy. :)

Please help us find him a home!

New Apartment Layout

The layout of the new apartment! I'm so excited to have an upstairs and downstairs! Photos to come soon. We sign tomorrow (Monday) and can move in. Lowell will be taking some stuff we packed yesterday, unload it before he goes into work at noon, and then take some more stuff throughout the week. Hopefully when we move, we'll just have the furniture left, and nothing else. That would be really nice. So much easier than having to move everything we have at once! It's much less stressful that way.

The kitchen is small, and has no pantry, but I'm willing to work with it to keep having a washer/dryer in unit, and a dining room for our kitchen table which we haven't been able to use for a year. And the closets are are big too! And to have a .5 bath downstairs will be awesome. And to have a big front yard for Boogin' will be lovely. I'm so excited. And it's literally 2 seconds away from stores, shops, and restaurants, and hopefully my new job. Within walking distance. It was kind of the deal-breaker.

I'll post pictures as soon as we move in!

Blue Butterfly Print

Blue Butterfly by Carambatack

Lime Green Living Room

I absolutely LOVE the simple design of this living room! I really wish that I would be able to paint at the new apartment, and use this color. Bring nature to the indoors. I can almost TASTE and SMELL this room! Can't you?! The color is so great...very calming, relaxing. And all the green, and plants...although I'm not very good at nursing plants, and often kill them with over-watering, but it's worth a try to get this look!

Another topic I'd like to post here is rooms that I just love, and would really love to have in my home to give me ideas!

I have a large sketchbook that I've been pasting things like this in with glue sticks, but it's so much easier to just post things in a blog! Why I haven't thought of doing this before, I have no idea! But I'm really glad I thought of it. day I hope to have a room in my home like this...a reading room?

Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.

Bird Patchwork Pillows

I finally caved and registered for an Etsy account. I have grown tired of just looking, and have crossed the line into seriously purchasing two of these Bird Patchwork Pillows...

...among a FEW other things. As soon as we are settled, and I've found a job, and purchased a couch, I'll be ordering these. I can't help myself. MUST HAAVE.

Hey, I've never owned decorative pillows and it will be awhile before I get them, but I'm posting them here so I'll have easy access to them when I'm ready!

Hope you don't get tired of all the Etsy finds I list here because there will probably be many. I apologize in advance.

Post-It Love

If you know me well, you know how much I love post-its! I use them for everything! This is such a cute video that Cup of Joe posted! It brought a smile to my face, that's for sure!

Wasn't it?!

Financial Freedom

I follow a lot of other bloggers, and read them daily. A lot of them spend a lot of time saving money and finding new ways on how to put more money back your pocket, and it's something that I've recently been trying to do and implement into my life too.

It's fun to save money! And to have a little freedom, and less worry about living paycheck-t0-paycheck is really an ideal situation, not only for me, but for my future family!

After we move, I plan on starting a budget and limiting the amount of spending on groceries (do we REALLY need that box of cookies?), the money we spend on social engagements (movies, eating out, bars, etc.), and focus more on eating healthier, drinking healthier (no more binges!), and all-round mentally balanced. If the old west could live on the minimum, and so can the Amish, how can I justify any spending on useless stuff I, and we don't need?

It only makes sense. I can't wait to get started. I know Lowell is going to fight me on it. He likes to spend money on stuff he doesn't need. He likes to go out to the bars and spend money on beer that's $5 a bottle when you can purchase from the store and get it for a $1. I'm not saying its going to be hard for me too, but it will all be for the better. To have a little freedom would be nice.

And I will NOT succumb to advertising, damnit!

I just subscribed to The Simple Dollar, an excellent blog I came across while searching for 'saving tips' and 'budget managing'. I read a couple articles and they were very easy to understand, and so simple to follow. For real people.

More to come on my efforts of being financial free.

Here's to saving money...

Get A .99 Cent Sonic Chiller!

Soooo, who doesn't just love getting FREE stuff in the mail, and finding coupons and deals for new stuff, or things you've never tried before?!

I sure do!

Since I've started blogging my eyes have become tuned to finding great deals for stuff, and great freebies. I get a least a couple things a week, that I've registered for, and the best thing is, you never know what could be coming! It's like your birthday everyday! Yea, yea, I'm pretty easy to please.

When we lived in Lafayette we were forced to continously watch Sonic commercials, yet lived no where even remotely close to one. It really did irk me off a bit. Then we moved to Bloomington, and within a year they had one built right next to our favorite gyro place!

We'd stop by and pick some gish, and then grap a cherry limeade! good. I've only eaten their food once, but I really will go out of my way to grab a cherry limeade! goes good with some vodka. Good 'ole southern drinkin'! haha

Head over HERE and get yourself a coupon for a .99 cent Sonic Chiller! You'll have to enter your email address, and then print it out from the email they send you! Enjoy!

I don't care what YOU say...the Twilight Saga Rocks!

I can't WAIT to see this movie. I don't frickin' CARE if I have to walk to the theatre in the pouring rain by myself!! What?! WHAT?! Wud you say?!? I don't care. KMA.

So what if I'm addicted to this little teenage, high school drama crap. Hey, at least it's the only one, and I've never fallen into the canyon of High School Musical, The O.C., or....well, I did watch Laguna Beach every week, and I occasionally watch The Hills....but it could be worse! Admit it!

And I've been really holding out, and doing really well I might add, on purchasing Eclipse on paperback! I held out reading the books, not giving in to peer pressure, until Twilight and New Moon were on paperback, I read those in like two weeks (maybe 3), and absolutely REFUSED to buy Eclipse and Breaking Dawn in hardback! No way was I about to jeopardize my Twilight Series Collection! Are you crazy! :)

Only....18 more days.

Then god knows how long it will take for the last one to come out on paperback. Probably right before the movie, like this one. BooPooPoo. I guess I'll just have to entertain myself with these stupid HP books and movies until then. J/K. :)

I definitely want to get my hands on her other book, The Host. I've heard that it's really good, by quite a few people. I wonder when it comes out on paperback (if you can't tell...I HATE hardback books).....checking.....checking......checking.....jeez, supposedly, April 1, 2010...wth. haha.

Be cautious about what you say in that comment box down will be retaliated against. :)

7/15/09 Horoscope

Wow. My horoscope for today is ridiculous. It's pretty scary how close it really is. I obviously need to just keep working hard, and eventually things will work out! Even though I knew that deep down, that's what I needed to do, it's really nice to see something else, other than just my own personal beliefs, saying it too.

Work. Work. Work. And you know what, I love doing it, and just knowing that it's starting to pay off (maybe not monetary means right now, but in other ways) is really just the little extra push I needed to keep going with it and to keep trying. Because I love doing it.

You could receive the go-ahead on a creative project today or you might decide to strike out on your own. Luckily, you are in a position to gain from your current efforts. Even if you don't make additional money from your venture now, you still might gain enough recognition to make it worthwhile. But exercise caution, for you could get so enamored with your own idea that you cannot truly judge the potential value of your plan.

You can't help experimenting with new ideas and creations today -- it's in your nature! You may stumble across something that's so cool that you have to share it with the world, or your corner of it.

Adorable, Lazy Kitteh

Thanks to Snuzzy for finding this cute video! It's adorable.

So cute!

Same Sex Penguin Couple Splits!

I had NO IDEA that this was going on! Who knew about this and didn't tell me?! Apparently, two male penguins at the SF Zoo, Harry & Pepper, have been together since 2003, raised a family, and now a female home-wrecker penguin named Linda has caused the couple to break-up! What?! It's like Young & the Restless Penguin drama! What a HEN!

Read the full article HERE.

Buffy vs. Edward: Twilight Remixed [Original Version]

This is a really good video someone made! I thought it was hilarious, and done very tastefully! If you're a Twilight and/or Buffy fan you'll love it!

I think I want to watch 'Twilight' again right now...I think it's still in the dvd player from watching it last week...(keep your comments to yourself, LOWELL!!)!

Twilight Lover,

Husband Kitteh

The best caption ever! This really is Lowell everytime I go into Charlotte Russe, and he has to come in and get me. He gives me a time limit, which I always violate, at no fault of my own! There is just so many deals and cute clothes in there!


Love From Lowell

I made him take his camera, and this is what he just sent me...

CloudBlue really went all out for his hotel room! It's really nice! Kitchen and everything! And I really do need one of those laptop lap boards (as I'm sitting on the floor between the futon and the coffee table and currently experiencing leg/foot numbness)!

I miss you babe! I love you!

UPDATE: He just left...his away message: at the "pool"; Translation: "pool" = CASINO.

Moonwalking Birds

Michael Jackson would be proud.

I'm pretty sure that I've seen this before. It may be a clip in Planet Earth, or something.

Cool, huh?! That camera is pretty awesome, makes me want one.

7/14/09 Horoscope

My horoscope for today, which, so far, has been pretty dead on...this crap is kind of scary sometimes!

It's pretty unreal. I've had a lot of things happening on the blogs lately and have been shocking. I was only hoping that they would take off and be successful, but now that they really seem to be, it's hard to believe.

I won't say what, because I don't want to jinx things just yet, considering a lot of things are changing right now. Lowell getting a new job, getting ready to move, leaving Bloomington, etc. So we shall see where everything goes, and how things are going to be affected.

Bold action on your part now can produce the impact you have been seeking. But you may need to talk yourself into taking a risk or you might not be able to overcome the inertia of doing nothing. You have a chance today to show others what you can do, which will also improve your self-esteem. Don't let the opportunity pass you by.

Today is the day for you to start cutting through the haze and really seeing your surroundings for what they are. You may have to enlist some aid, as it's much thicker than it looks!

Harry Potter Love

All of the Harry Potter craziness is back!! And I couldn't be more excited!! Granted, I'm still reading Book 4, but I've seen all the movies thus far and I can't wait for Lowell to get back and go see it! He keeps telling me that we won't go see it since I haven't finished the books up to this movie, but we've never done that before, so why start now?! And I know he wants to see it too, so we'll probably see it in theaters. We have to!

I'm so glad that they have done this right. Kept the same characters, and stayed pretty close to the books. They would have a lot of pissed off HP fans if they did, that's for sure. Eragon *cough cough*.

And if anyone hasn't heard about this, but did you know that Universal Studios in Orlando is in the works of creating the best part of the park....get ready....ready....The Wizarding World of Harry Potter!! Stop and have a Butterbeer?!?! Ohmygod, I can't wait to go to FL and visit CS and go there! I don't care if CS is making fun of me right now, he can kiss my arse! *Love you CS!*

I've really enjoyed watching Harry, Hermione, and Ron grow up. Check out this article of Emma Watson: Emma Watson - The 'Harry Potter' Starbr/ is One Fashionable Wizard .

I can't WAIT to see the movies, and finish Book 4, and start on reading the rest of them. Yea, yea, yea, I'm a little behind but so what!! Go, Go, Harry P!

Nerdin' it a little,

UPDATE: Wow. Apparently a HP fan committed suicide after learning the movie spoiler. Perez Hilton posted this today:


After learning a plot spoiler for the upcoming Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, an Ohio man committed suicide as that was his reason for living.

32-year-old Jude Ralston left a note indicating he "no longer had a reason to live" at a shopping mall on Monday.

"When Jude got that vanity license plate that said 'Hogwarts,' that seemed harmless enough," said Polly Clovis, a high school classmate. "But when he started wearing that wizard hat around town, we really should have seen that as a cry for help." 

Ralston had done everything to protect himself from coming across Potter spoilers, even disconnecting his computer and avoiding his favorite comic book store. 

"In my heart I believe that could have saved Jude's life, even if he didn't have one," said Clovis. 

She also shared hopes that Ralston's death would cause federal authorities to tighten security on Harry Potter plot information to prevent similar tragedies.


He was obviously mentally ill and we're sorry to hear Ralston never received the necessary help.

Posted by PostSecret this week.

Sad and unfortunate. A couple weeks ago I came across this video on Hulu:


7/13/09 Horoscope

My horoscope for today, July 13, 2009:

You're a little lost today, but that's not such a big problem for you! In fact, you may just stumble into something new and exciting, though it might take you some time to recognize its true value.

It's often challenging for you to establish boundaries, but now it's even more complicated because your feelings seem so logical. Caution is advised, for emotions are not rational although you believe that you can justify your actions based upon them. Impulsive behavior can lead you to the edge of uncertainty. Be smart and move slowly even if your thinking is as fast as lightning.

Day 1 Without LJ

Well, Lowell officially left this morning at a quarter to six, it's 6:31am and I already feel depressed and alone. When and the hell did I become so dependent on him for my happiness?! I helped him make sure he had everything packed that he may need, and packed him a snack pack full of some mini muffins that I made, some grapes, oatmeal creme pies, granola bars, and some drinks to take along. Made him take a book, Cell by Stephen King, to read when he gets bored with hotel tv, and gave him a looooong kiss goodbye. I feel like crying! I don't think I'd EVER make it as an army wife. Thank god I have the fur-children to take care of and keep me company.

(getting a coffee refill.......)

I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do all week considering I did all the laundry, sweeping, vacuuming, bedsheet changing, and animal bathing yesterday. I plan on doing some packing today with the couple of boxes we managed to scrounge around Wal-Mart yesterday, but that probably won't take me very long. The boxes aren't very big and probably are only useful for nick-knacks, etc.

The Mini-Muffs I made for LJ.

I feel lost. I called him to let him know that we both forgot to leave me the mailbox key, and he didn't answer. Now I'm worried. wtf. I have to go do something to keep myself busy or I'm going to go nuts.

Baby Fever

I don't know if it's the weather, water, air, age, or just because everyone around me seems to behaving them, but this is just not acceptable! How can you NOT catch it when it's being thrown in your face at every turn? Lately, it seems even the grocery store is mocking me with their little onesies, cute outfits, diapers, and cute little giraffe wash cloths! It's getting pretty ridiculous.

Even everyone I seem to know is getting engaged or getting married while I see none of that in my near future, if ever. Each year it gets a little bit more depressing, as I get a little older, and reducing my chances of being a young mom.

You might say I'm a little jealous every time I meet another one. A mom, or a baby. Even online it seems that everyone is pregnant, or trying, or getting married, etc. (I came across this blog today, and it may have pushed me over the edge a little.) The longer I wait, the more I come to the realization that it may never happen for me. Just thinking about it kind of makes me want to cry. Everyone seems to be celebrating their joining of families or their new addition, while I'm trying not to be bitter about it.

I was really hoping to have been married, and had a child by now (maybe even two), but that obviously hasn't happened, and who knows if it ever will. The last thing I want is to have problems when it does come time for me. All the infertility that costs a fortune and put you in debt for the rest of your life, and adoption that takes forever? Who can afford that? Who wants to wait 10 years? Not me.

Here are two of the newest additions...

Baby Abbie born about a month ago to my cousin Mark and his wife Monica. She's absolutely perfect and beautiful.

Calina Jean Birdwell (I just LOVE her name) is as stylish as ever, born in May to Katie and Jon Birdwell, two good friends of ours. She is so precious.

Lowell and I have been together for over 5 years now, with no end in sight, yet have no plans to take the leap (well, I do and mention it every once in awhile) towards the future. Who knows if it ever will. He claims that we need to get out of debt first, but that will never happen soon, if ever. We'll be in our forties before that happens, and I certainly don't plan on waiting THAT long, that's for damn sure. He says we need money, money, money, before any of that can happen, but who does these days? Who doesn't have debt? To me, it's an excuse. And I take that is I'm not good enough for him (in my f*ked up mind). Like he's waiting for something better to come along.

I know I'm just being emotional, and that all of this is in my head, but who can't help and feel this way? I feel like I'm on my way to being a prune, while everyone else is enjoying their families, friends, and being happy. Maybe I'm being selfish, and should be grateful that I do at least have a great relationship (at times) and others my age don't even have that.

I need to keep telling myself that time is NOT running out, even though my body keeps telling me that it is. Each month I seem to be getting more and more depressed each time my body sheds what could have been...

UPDATE: I just spoke with my mom and two of my cousins are pregnant too! My cousin Natalie is having a boy and due in December, and her sister Angela is due in March. Congrats to both of them!

Duke Nukem's Disease

I thought this was extremely hilarious, so I thought I'd share it with you guys!

Hahaha...the breakfast scene is the best.

More to come today...I'm behind!

Lasagna Recipe LOLCat

Michael Jackson's Ghost

Have you guys seen the video yet of the Neverland "Ghost"? It's obviously what they say it is, but the first time I saw it, I totally thought it was a ghost! Kind of freaky, and I know why everyone thought it was a ghost! We all loved Michael so much that we really do want to believe that he's still with us, no matter what form...

Keep it real!

UPDATE: Apparently YouTube is down right now (9:17pm) so if the video isn't working or not visible, you'll have to check back later to see if it's up and running yet! Sorry! YouTube crashed or something! UHOH! :)

My Would-Be Wedding

Just out of curiosity (and boredom) I decided to see if I could find the type of dress I would want for the wedding I'll probably never have. Just for fun, and I found one! I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this dress. It's definitely the one. If I do end up ever having a wedding and getting married, I would search high and low for a dress very similiar to this. It would probably be the only thing I would spend money on!

It's just so beautiful. I love it.



Now, let me see if I can find bridesmaid dresses (heck, I may just plan my entire wedding right now!)...

...haha...bridesmaid dresses...

In this color...

...with these shoes...

Because it's going to be here....

With these flowers...

Okay, that's it...I'm getting a little carried away! A girl can dream right? It would be really pretty though! Wait...I forgot the cake!....Can't forget, here it is....

Okay, totally carried away...I'm extremely bored! Now I'm going to have to change the address to my blog since I gave Lowell the address this morning to check it out, and now he's going to see this and freakout on me...haha.
