Boys Have Cooties

Yes, this is how I feel right now.

Lowell was sick Friday night through Monday, he's still not 100% but he's doing better.

However, now I have a horrible sore throat and feel feverish and is getting worse by the hour.

Boys have cooties.

Considering I talk all day at work to customers, and answer the phones, I may call off work tomorrow if I'm any worse than I am now. There is just no way I would make it through the day like this. I really hate to call off work this time of year when I really need the money, but I'm sure they'd let me make it up on my day off or something. They are pretty good about that. Thank goodness.

My plan for today was to get lots of stuff done, but I've done pretty much nothing all day except organize my coupons according to deals and stores this weekend. I just logged on to All Dog Blog, but not sure how much I'll get done, if any.


12/01/2009 Horoscope

Someone close -- maybe a coworker -- is trying to pin you down in some way that isn't comfortable, but you should be able to wiggle out of any commitment. Try to just avoid the situation, if possible.

It's hard for you to set professional goals now, for your perceptions are clouded. You may feel scattered and fear you won't be able to get your work finished on time. Unfortunately, you might worry so much that it can have a negative impact on your productivity today. Don't judge yourself so harshly; you'll have a clearer sense of what's happening after the Full Moon tomorrow morning.

I am so not answering my phone today...I swear if I get called in...hence...avoid the situation!!

Kristen & Rob's Photo Shoot Photos

Just a few beautiful photos of the world's most beautiful and popular "couple" in the world right now! They are absolutely amazing., don't you think?

I need to get my tickets for New Moon. Lowell will be on his first hunting trip when it comes out, so I'll most likely be heading to the theater alone, but I seriously DON'T CARE!! haha It's going to be awesome. Ya know, the way I talk about this tween movie, you'd think I'm some kind of tween and NOT a couple years away from being THIRTY!! haha

Here is the link to the article as well: GO HERE.

And of course I purchased the newest issue of Vanity Fair. You bet I did. :)

11/6/09 Horoscope

Your good energy is a powerful force today, and you may find yourself bopping along to your own private soundtrack -- the star of the movie! It's a good time to add some rhythm to your routines.

Even if you have doubts about your recent choices, you are hopeful that things are in the process of turning around. Your patience is an asset, for you have the ability to hold on to an idea and wait until the resistance begins to wane. Although your sensitivity can be problematic now, you don't have to buy into the negativity around you. Concentrate on the positive potential of the moment, rather than worrying about what could go wrong.

The second part is definitely correct. However, my lack of patience recently is starting to become a problem! I just don't have any anymore. Now that I'm working full time again, trying to keep up on the blogs, the laundry, the cleaning, saving money, and life in general has just become overwhelming. I'm beginning to give up a little and it's frustrating. I've been snappy lately because I feel as if I just don't have time on my side anymore. Everything is back onto someone else's time and I hate it. I'm just too tired to have any strong focus anymore.

I don't know what to do anymore. I'm so overwhelmed.

10/21/09 Horoscope

Your workmates seem to believe that you have answers to their complex questions today, even if you think that you really don't have any more information than anyone else. Still, you must take credit for your knowledge, because it may be exactly what the next person needs. But don't overstep your authority; if you claim to know more than you actually do, your house of cards could tumble quickly.

You may have a hard time getting your point across today, especially if your boss or an important client is involved. Authority figures think they know best and just can't be told otherwise.

Apparently I need to watch what I say to my bosses today at work! haha

I Love LOLCatz...haha

Chris Jordan Photo Series

THIS is so sad and so real. (These are graphic images of birds so click at your own risk.)

10/20/09 Horoscope

Others may not be able to follow your thinking today. It's not that your brain is muddled or slow; it's just that your thoughts are slipping in and out of fantasies and parallel universes. But even if you cannot untangle your words, you still can reach others by playing a piece of music, reading a poem or drawing a picture. Set aside your tech manuals and science books for now and let your creativity shine.


Now I'm second guessing what I should be doing today.


I'll let you know!

Up Early...

It feels really good to be up really early and not HAVE to be up early. Up at my own will and not because some piece of paper says I have to be up and somewhere! I can tell I'm going to get a lot accomplished today because it's only 6:30am and I've already eaten breakfast (some Organic Multi-grain cereal we got at Target this weekend for 50% off and paid like $1.88 for it! And it's so filling!) and am half-way through a cup of coffee!

I've gone through some emails already, said 'Hello' on Facebook, getting ready to read MySpace blog posts, and then I'm off to Google Reader to get caught up!

After that...lots of posts need to be written, freebies and coupons need to be found, and articles NEED to be written for future post! I've been meaning to do this for awhile now, but it's hard to find the time to do it, and it takes time! Working 40hrs a week takes up a lot of your blog post writing time and when you get home you do NOT feel like writing posts or doing anything other than filtering through emails and trying NOT to get too far behind! And you know you don't want to go too long without a post because otherwise you lose readers, but it's not like I have much to READ on the blog anyway since it has turned into mostly coupons and freebies lately (as it the past 4 months!). It really was not the way I wanted to the blog to be, and where I wanted to be, but we've had so much going on (who doesn't) that it's really hard to find the time where you can completely engross myself into it and not be distracted.

I'm off to go and get some work done and I'll probably be back for a bit here and there today to take a break!

Sand Art Video -- Ukraine's Got Talent Winner

This is just flat out amazing...I wish I could do something so creative and mindblowing such as this...

Pretty awesome, huh?

Okay, off to try and get some articles's been long overdue! Hopefully I get at LEAST two done tonight...hopefully.

Eclipse Sneak Peak!

Just had to post this real quick...Isn't it beautiful!!

I never would have thought I'd fallen on to the Twilight bandwagon. I did really well for awhile, until I just HAD to see what it was all about and picked up the first book and read it in two days.

I can't wait!

10/13/2009 Horoscope

At first it might seem as if someone is getting in the way of your happiness. You might even feel as if others are purposely putting up roadblocks. But your frustration may begin to pass when you realize that Saturn the Taskmaster is giving you time to improve your interpersonal skills before moving on. Ultimately, additional freedom is yours if you earn it by working smarter and harder now.

There's a bit too much going on today for you to focus all your attention on any one project or person, but do your best to avoid distraction for as long as you can. That's the only way to get anything done!

The crazy part is...BEFORE I read my horoscope today, I vowed to NOT turn the TV on because it's TOO distracting and honestly, just not important. Nothing on there EVER is. If I need to know the news, the good news, I can go to If I want to watch a show, I'll go to Hulu. I'm so done with wasting so much time watching tv. I'm eliminating one distraction at a time. I'm just so far behind on all the things I need/want to do, I need all the help I can get!

I wish I had found that Pisces symbol before I got inked...I like that one better!

Until later today probably...I have some venting to do from last night. One word: Boys.

Harry Potter & Hook Remixes

I can't decide which one I like better....


Both are pretty awesome, don't you think?! I can't imagine all the time it takes to make a video like that! Crazy!

Breaking Dawn & Christmas Shopping!

I'm thinking about purchasing my advance tickets for New Moon tomorrow!

I'm almost finished with the fourth book...almost. I have like 1/4 of it left and thus far, IS the best book of the series! Although my good friend Gina disagrees with me (she thinks Eclipse is the best book), it's great to have a friend who loves the Twilight Series too so we can talk about it!

I was going to hold out reading Breaking Dawn until the paperback came out, but who knows when that will be (probably two years from now since Eclipse just came out); however, I decided to just go get a library card and rent it! DUH! It's taken me awhile to read it since I've only been able to read it at night before bed between work everyday 9-5, and trying to keep up on the blog (All Dog Blog) at night after's the best I can do. I went to Barnes & Noble and bought a LightWedge to read better at night while Lowell is sleeping and all I have to say it's one of the best purchases I've made in a long time! I recommend it to all night-readers!

I'm drinkin' a pomegranate martini and getting ready to watch Dollhouse, workin' on the blogs (which has an awesome giving away right now btw =]), and relaxing. I'm off tomorrow, but I still have a lot of running around to do: Walmart to return a shirt that is too small, Target to exchange some undies that I purchased WAAAAY too big (they were in the wrong spot and I didn't look!), renew Breaking Dawn at the library, and then go with Lowell to Verizon to check out some Blackberry's, cut coupons and organize a trip to the grocery store for meals for the next two weeks, and clean the apartment for a bit. I was off on Sunday too, but I got asked to come into work for two hours in the morning for some form of class. My Saturday night is lost! Bummer. Oh well, what can ya do.

I started xmas shopping for Lowell & myself today. I've decided that we need all new bedding for our bed. I can't stand it anymore, and it's time that I splurge for the good stuff. I bought a really nice Berkshire Duvet mini set (comes with two standard shams) in a really soft lavender that almost looks gray that was originally 100 bucks, but was on sale for 50, and then with my employee discount I must say, I got a great deal!! I still need to purchase the down comforter (and I'm NOT going cheap either), the euro shams, euro pillows, new pillows (not skimping their either), the bedskirt, at least two sets of sheets (I'm thinking Modal...I really like the feel, and they're affordable, but possibly some 720 thread count DreamZone sheets too), a great featherbed, and a comfy blanket too. Hopefully, I can get everything (or close to everything) before Christmas Eve so Lowell and I can sleep and wake up on Christmas Day in our new big comfy bed. I'm so tired of waking up with sore shoulders, back, and just all around achy everyday. I'm over it. It's time for the good stuff.

Anywhoo...I have lots to do tonight, so I should get off here for awhile!

Until the next post...

Around Here Happenings

Don't they look yummmy! Last Friday I purchased some really pretty Mikasa Martini glasses that we had on the 'As Is Merchandise' section (the set was missing one glass) and I got three for like $2.98 each! I bought a really cool martini shaker that shows you how to make several drinks, and made some pomegranate martinis! They were soooooooo good!

Yes, it's been a few. I've been working a lot the past couple of weeks, and by the time I get home, make dinner, eat, clean-up dinner, and sit down, I just don't feel like blogging. I feel like sleeping! I'll go through emails so they don't get backed up (which it will do quickly!), and then relax for the night.

The All Dog Blog has been doing well, despite the drop in numbers this month, but we've been receiving a lot of freebies for review, and companies that want to be mentioned on the blog! It's great to be recognized, ya know? It's definitely a work in progress still, and I'm not happy with the direction it's taken, but I hope to get it back on track soon.

The New Green Girl Blog has been on the backburner for awhile, and so has my writing blog (hence, so has my writing). I haven't forgotten about them, but All Dog Blog has really been my main focus for awhile. As it should be, since it was my very first blog and really needs to get off the ground before I start working on any others. At least I have them somewhat established, know they're there, and can work on them when I have the time, or an interesting post. I'll hopefully get to them soon, but I'm not going to let myself feel guilty for neglecting them. I'm just not. A couple years ago, heck...maybe even a few months ago I would have felt guilty about it, but what's the point! I'll get to them when I get to them. I'm not going to fret.

I'm not sure if I mentioned that Lowell brought me home a work computer! It's a Toshiba Netbook. Very easy to transport, weighs pretty much nothing, and very easy to use. I really did want something I could use on the go (Starbucks, in the car, the park, etc.) instead of using my hunka-Dell that weighs like 15lbs! Seriously, it's heavy, but it's a great computer for how old it is. I love both my computers! My life wouldn't be complete without them!

On a personal note, everything else has been going well around here. I love the new apartment, my new job (everyone is so great and it's not stressful), and Lowell loves his (I'm pretty sure he does!). His sales have gotten greater each month, and they are finally getting him some proper employees to get his sales numbers up even higher! It's good to be in with a young company that is ready to make moves to better the company (a.k.a. hire Lowell), and fire the employees that are holding him back in sales, etc.

Anywhoo....I have some work to do on the blog(s) before I start cleaning and packing for the weekend! We're leaving tomorrow to head home for a wedding/marriage ceremony! Lowell's little sister is getting married at the courthouse on Friday!! I'm so excited and can't WAIT! Plus it will be nice to have Fri., Sat., and Sun. off, see friends and family, and relax!! And read (I'm in the middle of reading Breaking Dawn, the fourth book in the Twilight Series, and it's the best by far, but I haven't had much time to sit down and read large chunks! I caved. I couldn't wait! I went to the library and rented it.) :)

Well, I'm off to do some work!

Early Morning With Pancake Puffs!

I really love getting up early.

Although my body tends to resist this, once I'm up and movin' around everything is great! You get to catch the news, there's time to get things done before the day starts, and my mind is in just a great place in general.

I woke up early to try out the new toy...Pancake Puffs!

And I'm pleasantly surprised! Not only were they pretty good (I made blueberry ones with real blueberries!), but they are fairly easy to make and can be made quickly! Great for kids in the morning for sure! Instead of spending so much time making regular pancakes!

I got it for $4 at work. Yes, I said 4 dollars. How could I not buy it and give it a try?! I had to. Before they were all gone! We're havin' a huge clearance sale going on right now and there are lots of little gems, and if I'm not careful I'd spend my whole paycheck in there. I have to pick and choose what's worth it and what's not and it's frickin HARD! lol.

The rest of the day will be spent workin' on stuff online, maybe watching a movie, and reading as much as possible to try and get caught up on stuff!!

I haven't had a day off during the week for over a week, and it's certainly thrown me off big time! So I apologize for being MIA lately. It's hard to get into a routine when your work schedule always changes. It's kind of nice, but annoying at the same time when you have three blogs, and things around the house are being neglected!!

Off to try and get some work done, but I'll probably be back today.

P.S. R.I.P. Patrick Swayze. You will be deeply missed.

09/01/09 Horoscope

Change is in the air, and it's pretty much impossible to resist. See if you can focus on the positive and get others to do the same -- things should start to make more sense in the very near future.

You are less likely to be outgoing today, but you still have a lot to say. Silent meditation or a short journey into the magic of your own imagination can help you to find a way to soothe your energies. Even if you choose to get away from the outer turmoil by escaping into your dreams, you'll still have to face the issues in your mind that you avoid in real life.

It's very true.

Ever since we've moved here to Carmel, things really have been so much more positive, relaxed, and smoother. I've been happier. Honestly, I know what it is, and it's because the factor of the unknown has been taken out of the equation. Ever since Lowell graduated, and he took the job in Bloomington that was only supposed to last six months (but ended up being two years), and not knowing every six months whether or not he would have a job was just pure anxiety. Not knowing what was going to happen. Are we staying here or not? Are you going to have a job or not? Hate is an understatement of how I felt about the whole situation.

However, now that he's taken this new job doing sales for a fairly recent company that's started in the past couple of years (and growing rapidly) there really is no set date of unemployment. No unknown except our own. It's in OUR hands and not someone else. It's a sigh of relief to know that our fate is ours again and that we are back in control.

We both have jobs that we enjoy. Our new apartment is becoming more like a home everyday, the furkids are healthy and happy, and so are the rest of our families. Even though we took a pay-cut with this job, it turns out, with the amount of sales he has been doing (which is double what the last guy did I might add, so yes I'm proud), his commission, and the portion I contribute with my paycheck, we are actually making more. How that happened, I don't know, but we sure are glad.

Yes, we are tight right now because it's always tight the first couple months you move to a new place. And we should know since we've done it four times in the past four years, but hopefully we'll be able to stay here for as long as we can and begin to finally save.

Life is good right now and I'm glad I'm here to be able to enjoy it with my LJ.

P.S. See...I told you I'd be updating more often! :P

Just Bein' A Girl

Now I remember why girls love girlie just feels so good to have a little cry every once in awhile! *sniff sniff*

8/28/09 Horoscope

It's not hard for you to balance your desire to be creative with your need to show your competence at work today. There are tasks that you must finish, though, before you will feel free enough to express yourself. Fortunately, you don't need to work extra hard; just keeping up with what you already started will be sufficient.


I'm diggin' my new job.

Monkey Magic!

Okay, okay, I know I haven't been around much, and pretty much everything I've been posting is videos and lame stuff, but I couldn't help it with this one! After this video...well, I take that back...after today's posting, I promise that I'll be more involved! I PROMISE!

But watch this video! It's so cute! Another reason why I love monkeys!

Too cute!

Nora: The Feline Piano Prodigy

So cute!

Just a lazy Sunday

Sooooo....we just back a little while ago from running some errands to Petsmart, Walmart, BB&B (so I could make a copy of my schedule), and then Papa Murphy's to pick up a pizza for dinner and Lowell took me for a quick drive through the mall.


Clay Terrace Mall is so cool! It's an outdoor mall, which I've never seen before (except strip malls, of course), and it's so nice! I can't wait to go there and actually get out and look around and shop! Probably not anytime soon, but maybe when I gear up to go Christmas shopping for everyone! Which I plan on getting a list together and getting started as soon as the first chilly Fall day comes! MMM...I can't wait till Fall!! It's my favorite time of year!

Let's see...

At Petsmart we needed dog food and cat food desperately. I had a coupon for a free bag of Purina One that Purina sent me in the mail last week which came in real handy! We paid for the dog's food (we couldn't use the coupon for his food since he eats ProPlan, but I could have used a $5 off coupon from the last bag I purchased, however I left it at home), but got the cat's food for free and saved $12!! Then we picked up some kitty litter, 2 cans of Fancy Feast, visited the kitties for adoption, then headed to Walmart to pick up some essentials.

We...well, I should say "I" spotted a cute dress that was only $14 and Lowell thought it was cute too so I got it. Stopped and picked up some toothpaste, creamer, and hair-dye. I desperately need to dye my hair again, especially since we have Brian and Lindsey's wedding this coming weekend on the 22nd! I'm really excited to take some photos, although my pictures of people never really turn out the way I like. EVER.

The dress I got, but mine's a lighter color...

Then we decided on Papa Murphy's pizza for dinner which is just a short walk down from Walmart, and while we were heading down there I stopped by work to make a copy of this weeks' schedule and then met Lowell there. We grabbed our pizza and then headed home, cooked the pizza, ate, and now we're headin' to Steak 'n Shake to use our Buy 1, Get 1 Free shake coupon! MmmmMmmm!

Yep, you know you're jealous! Actually, if you got a Sunday paper, you probably got one too!

I made a cute video, actually it's rather long (30 mins) today of just messin' around, but Lowell won't me upload it. I'll probably just upload it on the sly... :) Yea, I'm sneaky like that. *wink*

Cooking In Your Hotel Room With George Egg

I cannot tell you just awesome this video is, pure genius! And hilarious! I would love to try that sometime, but I'd probably end up burning down the hotel.

And the food looks pretty darn good too! Love it!

But I'll probably just stick to ordering pizza's and grabbin' some fast food.


Free Snack Samples!

Head over HERE and request your free sample of somersaults snacks! I've never heard about this brand, or tried their products, but you bet we're gunna give it a try!

Nutland Foods, LLC is offering a FREE sample of their awesome 'Crunch' HERE! I already signed up to get one and you should go sign-up too!

Yummy, Yum, Yum! :)

Drumsticks Recipe


As soon as I get my first paycheck...

...I'll be purchasing the list of ingredients to make my own drumsticks! I love this tasty treat, but they cost like 5 bucks for a box of six! It's grocery store robbery! Now I can make my own and save ingredients to make more later! I am so excited to make these!

I'll post some pictures on how they turn out! If you do this before me...let me know how it goes and if there are any steps that need tweaking, etc.! And post some pics of how yours turned out!

For better instructions and additional photos head over HERE!
