Around Here Happenings

Don't they look yummmy! Last Friday I purchased some really pretty Mikasa Martini glasses that we had on the 'As Is Merchandise' section (the set was missing one glass) and I got three for like $2.98 each! I bought a really cool martini shaker that shows you how to make several drinks, and made some pomegranate martinis! They were soooooooo good!

Yes, it's been a few. I've been working a lot the past couple of weeks, and by the time I get home, make dinner, eat, clean-up dinner, and sit down, I just don't feel like blogging. I feel like sleeping! I'll go through emails so they don't get backed up (which it will do quickly!), and then relax for the night.

The All Dog Blog has been doing well, despite the drop in numbers this month, but we've been receiving a lot of freebies for review, and companies that want to be mentioned on the blog! It's great to be recognized, ya know? It's definitely a work in progress still, and I'm not happy with the direction it's taken, but I hope to get it back on track soon.

The New Green Girl Blog has been on the backburner for awhile, and so has my writing blog (hence, so has my writing). I haven't forgotten about them, but All Dog Blog has really been my main focus for awhile. As it should be, since it was my very first blog and really needs to get off the ground before I start working on any others. At least I have them somewhat established, know they're there, and can work on them when I have the time, or an interesting post. I'll hopefully get to them soon, but I'm not going to let myself feel guilty for neglecting them. I'm just not. A couple years ago, heck...maybe even a few months ago I would have felt guilty about it, but what's the point! I'll get to them when I get to them. I'm not going to fret.

I'm not sure if I mentioned that Lowell brought me home a work computer! It's a Toshiba Netbook. Very easy to transport, weighs pretty much nothing, and very easy to use. I really did want something I could use on the go (Starbucks, in the car, the park, etc.) instead of using my hunka-Dell that weighs like 15lbs! Seriously, it's heavy, but it's a great computer for how old it is. I love both my computers! My life wouldn't be complete without them!

On a personal note, everything else has been going well around here. I love the new apartment, my new job (everyone is so great and it's not stressful), and Lowell loves his (I'm pretty sure he does!). His sales have gotten greater each month, and they are finally getting him some proper employees to get his sales numbers up even higher! It's good to be in with a young company that is ready to make moves to better the company (a.k.a. hire Lowell), and fire the employees that are holding him back in sales, etc.

Anywhoo....I have some work to do on the blog(s) before I start cleaning and packing for the weekend! We're leaving tomorrow to head home for a wedding/marriage ceremony! Lowell's little sister is getting married at the courthouse on Friday!! I'm so excited and can't WAIT! Plus it will be nice to have Fri., Sat., and Sun. off, see friends and family, and relax!! And read (I'm in the middle of reading Breaking Dawn, the fourth book in the Twilight Series, and it's the best by far, but I haven't had much time to sit down and read large chunks! I caved. I couldn't wait! I went to the library and rented it.) :)

Well, I'm off to do some work!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad everything's going so well for you. It's good to be excited by life, isn't it?


Keep it real!