10/13/2009 Horoscope

At first it might seem as if someone is getting in the way of your happiness. You might even feel as if others are purposely putting up roadblocks. But your frustration may begin to pass when you realize that Saturn the Taskmaster is giving you time to improve your interpersonal skills before moving on. Ultimately, additional freedom is yours if you earn it by working smarter and harder now.

There's a bit too much going on today for you to focus all your attention on any one project or person, but do your best to avoid distraction for as long as you can. That's the only way to get anything done!

The crazy part is...BEFORE I read my horoscope today, I vowed to NOT turn the TV on because it's TOO distracting and honestly, just not important. Nothing on there EVER is. If I need to know the news, the good news, I can go to CNN.com. If I want to watch a show, I'll go to Hulu. I'm so done with wasting so much time watching tv. I'm eliminating one distraction at a time. I'm just so far behind on all the things I need/want to do, I need all the help I can get!

I wish I had found that Pisces symbol before I got inked...I like that one better!

Until later today probably...I have some venting to do from last night. One word: Boys.

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